Meet the team – A message from our CEO
The mission for Cookson First Aid is very simple, we want to save lives and empower people to feel prepared in an emergency through free first aid training.
We are proudly a social enterprise, and are building a not-for-profit business to deliver training and create a long term legacy for Cookson First Aid.
We have built a free product that works, tried and tested (and is five star rated on Trustpilot) and now we are developing new courses to meet the real needs of the communities we work with, such as our mental health first aid training.
Social enterprises have such a unique position, and I think that is why people have really connected with us, they see that we are a business operating solely for the community, and our message – that everyone needs to know how to save a life – is a powerful one.
So sign up for a first aid training course, or get in touch to find out how we can help you become a life saver today.