Wythenshawe is a Heartsafe Community!
When British Heart Foundation (BHF), Oliver Cookson Foundation, Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) and St John Ambulance started working on the Heartsafe Community Project in Wythenshawe, Manchester, we estimated that the average return journey for local people to reach a defibrillator was 13 minutes and 47 seconds. By the end of the project, the average return journey to reach a defibrillator was reduced to 6 minutes 32 seconds.
OCF founder Oliver Cookson said, “Halving the time it takes for a return journey in Wythenshawe is a phenomenal outcome for the Heartsafe Community project. This will undoubtedly save lives, which aligns perfectly with the mission of Cookson First Aid. I am proud to support this vital work through my foundation, and my team and I remain dedicated to helping communities across the UK, using the effective strategies we’ve developed together.”
Oliver Cookson Foundation and Cookson First Aid is incredibly proud to be working in partnership with these fantastic organisations on this research pilot. We would like to say a huge thank you to Wythenshawe Forum, Tree of Life, Baguley Hall Primary School, Manchester City Council, Amey, AB Electrical, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group, Councillors Sue Cooley and Tracey Rawlings for their support, and everyone in Wythenshawe who joined one of our free training courses to learn how to save a life.
For guidance on how to make a Heartsafe Community, read the full report.